LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week one weigh in...

Alright! The first 7 days of the 90 have passed and it is time to weigh in. Verdict is? 3 pounds lost. :) Yay! I do know that there will be weeks that I will lose one pound or even ounces, some that I might gain a pound.. but I need to remember that I need to focus on the whole, not just one week. As long as I am moving and eating right, in the long run the weight will come off. I do need to add more activity into my life. Thinking about getting a bike. One of the reasons is because the gas price is going so freakin high. Pretty soon I am not going to be able to afford to fill up my gas tank, so I need to find alternate ways of getting around. Getting a bike is better anyway.

Some people when they write blogs they blog about everything in one sitting. I update things throughout the day so if you do read these, its probably better to read them at night when all is said and done. Just letting you all know. lol. :)

Me at 291 pounds. With Cher impersonator Wayne Smith.

BREAKFAST: 2 eggs and 2 toast w butter ( I am going grocery shopping today. Need new breakfast ideas)........320 calories
SNACK: 1 Skinny cow chocolate bar...100 calories
LUNCH: Chicken flavored Ramen noodles. .....380 calories
SNACK: Apple/Carrot fruit juice.......120 calories

Total for the day: 920 calories. I got sick.. had a fever and did not want to eat.

Trying up upload pictures and they are taking forever. I think its because I am using wifi. No idea though. Pages have been taking ALOT longer lately to load and I get the page cannot be displayed error alot. Kind of irritating.

Im not going to be doing any working out today. Something is wrong with my lungs. I do physical activity and I get out of break quickly. If I have to cough, I started coughing alot and it really hurts. But then once it stops I feel perfectly fine. Hmmm


  1. Great job on the 3 lbs!! That's fantastic!

    You asked me if I count calories- I do not, because I follow Weight Watchers and count points.

    To get the tracker at the top of my page, you can add a HTML gadget and just grab and drag it to the center column on the layout page, right above the blog posts section. Hope this helps!

  2. Thank you Alissa. :) Im going to attempt the tracker thing right now. I think I am counting calories right now because I had no idea how much I was really eating, so I need to be conscious of the intake for a while.
